Working with Data
* A special function that runs when the spreadsheet is first
* opened or reloaded. onOpen() is used to add custom menu
* items to the spreadsheet.
function onOpen() {
/* ... */
* A special function that runs when the spreadsheet is first
* opened or reloaded. onOpen() is used to add custom menu
* items to the spreadsheet.
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
.addItem('Load Book-list', 'loadBookList')
* Creates a template book list based on the
* provided 'codelab-book-list' sheet.
function loadBookList(){
// Gets the active sheet.
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// Gets a different spreadsheet from Drive using
// the spreadsheet's ID.
var bookSS = SpreadsheetApp.openById(
// Gets the sheet, data range, and values of the
// spreadsheet stored in bookSS.
var bookSheet = bookSS.getSheetByName("codelab-book-list");
var bookRange = bookSheet.getDataRange();
var bookListValues = bookRange.getValues();
// Add those values to the active sheet in the current
// spreadsheet. This overwrites any values already there.
sheet.getRange(1, 1, bookRange.getHeight(), bookRange.getWidth())
// Rename the destination sheet and resize the data
// columns for easier reading.
sheet.autoResizeColumns(1, 3);
* A special function that runs when the spreadsheet is first
* opened or reloaded. onOpen() is used to add custom menu
* items to the spreadsheet.
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
.addItem('Load Book-list', 'loadBookList')
'Separate title/author at first comma', 'splitAtFirstComma')
'Separate title/author at last "by"', 'splitAtLastBy')
'Fill in blank titles and author cells', 'fillInTheBlanks')
* Reformats title and author columns by splitting the title column
* at the first comma, if present.
function splitAtFirstComma(){
// Get the active (currently highlighted) range.
var activeRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
var titleAuthorRange = activeRange.offset(
0, 0, activeRange.getHeight(), activeRange.getWidth() + 1);
// Get the current values of the selected title column cells.
// This is a 2D array.
var titleAuthorValues = titleAuthorRange.getValues();
// Update values where commas are found. Assumes the presence
// of a comma indicates an "authors, title" pattern.
for (var row = 0; row < titleAuthorValues.length; row++){
var indexOfFirstComma =
titleAuthorValues[row][0].indexOf(", ");
if(indexOfFirstComma >= 0){
// Found a comma, so split and update the values in
// the values array.
var titlesAndAuthors = titleAuthorValues[row][0];
// Update the title value in the array.
titleAuthorValues[row][0] =
titlesAndAuthors.slice(indexOfFirstComma + 2);
// Update the author value in the array.
titleAuthorValues[row][1] =
titlesAndAuthors.slice(0, indexOfFirstComma);
// Put the updated values back into the spreadsheet.
* Reformats title and author columns by splitting the title column
* at the last instance of the string " by ", if present.
function splitAtLastBy(){
// Get the active (currently highlighted) range.
var activeRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
var titleAuthorRange = activeRange.offset(
0, 0, activeRange.getHeight(), activeRange.getWidth() + 1);
// Get the current values of the selected title column cells.
// This is a 2D array.
var titleAuthorValues = titleAuthorRange.getValues();
// Update values where " by " substrings are found. Assumes
// the presence of a " by " indicates a "title by authors"
// pattern.
for(var row = 0; row < titleAuthorValues.length; row++){
var indexOfLastBy =
titleAuthorValues[row][0].lastIndexOf(" by ");
if(indexOfLastBy >= 0){
// Found a " by ", so split and update the values in
// the values array.
var titlesAndAuthors = titleAuthorValues[row][0];
// Update the title value in the array.
titleAuthorValues[row][0] =
titlesAndAuthors.slice(0, indexOfLastBy);
// Update the author value in the array.
titleAuthorValues[row][1] =
titlesAndAuthors.slice(indexOfLastBy + 4);
// Put the updated values back into the spreadsheet.
* Helper function to retrieve book data from the Open Library
* public API.
* @param {number} ISBN - The ISBN number of the book to find.
* @return {object} The book's data, in JSON format.
function fetchBookData_(ISBN){
// Connect to the public API.
var url = ""
+ ISBN + "&jscmd=details&format=json";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
url, {'muteHttpExceptions': true});
// Make request to API and get response before this point.
var json = response.getContentText();
var bookData = JSON.parse(json);
// Return only the data we're interested in.
return bookData['ISBN:' + ISBN];
* Fills in missing title and author data using Open Library API
* calls.
function fillInTheBlanks(){
// Constants that identify the index of the title, author,
// and ISBN columns (in the 2D bookValues array below).
var ISBN_COLUMN = 2;
// Get the existing book information in the active sheet. The data
// is placed into a 2D array.
var dataRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var bookValues = dataRange.getValues();
// Examine each row of the data (excluding the header row).
// If an ISBN is present, and a title or author is missing,
// use the fetchBookData_(isbn) method to retrieve the
// missing data from the Open Library API. Fill in the
// missing titles or authors when they're found.
for(var row = 1; row < bookValues.length; row++){
var isbn = bookValues[row][ISBN_COLUMN];
var title = bookValues[row][TITLE_COLUMN];
var author = bookValues[row][AUTHOR_COLUMN];
if(isbn != "" && (title === "" || author === "") ){
// Only call the API if you have an ISBN number and
// either the title or author is missing.
var bookData = fetchBookData_(isbn);
// Sometimes the API doesn't return the information needed.
// In those cases, don't attempt to update the row.
if (!bookData || !bookData.details) {
// The API might not return a title, so only fill it in
// if the response has one and if the title is blank in
// the sheet.
if(title === "" && bookData.details.title){
bookValues[row][TITLE_COLUMN] = bookData.details.title;
// The API might not return an author name, so only fill it in
// if the response has one and if the author is blank in
// the sheet.
if(author === "" && bookData.details.authors
&& bookData.details.authors[0].name){
bookValues[row][AUTHOR_COLUMN] =
// Insert the updated book data values into the spreadsheet.
Last updated
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