1. The JAM stack with Hugo
This chapter covers:
Basics of the JAM stack for building websites
Principles of static site generators
Understanding the Hugo static site generator
Benefits the Hugo static site generator
Use cases best suited for JAM stack and Hugo
If you have been associated with websites recently or have friends who have been working for companies with web based products you must have known how much work it is to maintain a website. With the need for DevOps engineers, system administrators and database architects, keeping a website running on the internet is a full time job for an entire team, not just an individual. The upkeep of content is so difficult that creators have been moving at an unprecedented rate to managed hosting like WordPress.com or even giving away their content to platforms like Medium or FaceBook.
The JAM stack provides a way of doing web development that minimizes the day to day overhead of maintaining process of websites. The term was coined by the co-founder and CEO of Netlify, Matt Biilmann in 2016. It forgoes the databases by storing all the content into files which are compiled during deployment and then distributed over a Content Delivery Network(CDN). The dynamic, server-based content is provided by Application Programming Interfaces(APIs) maintained by third parties or hosted by a cloud service provider with minimal day to day involvement by the website owner. This way web developers are free from the tasks of handling security updates, denial of service(DoS) attacks and the constant monitoring required to keep hackers at bay.
The JAM stack is heavily reliant on the core web technology of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It offers the ability to get up and running in the modern web very quickly. We can build websites offering great performance with low costs and requiring little maintenance. It can be used to build websites for a great variety of use cases from individual blogs to business websites. The JAM stack can work in harmony with a server based framework by providing full support for static content while the user generated server based content can still be provided by a traditional framework.
Hugo is amongst the most popular of the frameworks in the JAM stack and provides the best build speeds. It meets the promise of the tool with which we can enjoy web development without having the annoyances related to the setup, upkeep or day to day maintenance. Hugo is a rare tool with which the developer can choose when to have coffee as there is no waiting for compilation, updates or deployment. Hugo takes a template and all the content of the website in a markup format and converts it to the HTML that can be hosted as is.
I congratulate you for picking up this book and embarking on the journey to radically simplify your approach to web development.
1.1 Parts of the JAM stack
The JAM stack is different from traditional web development stacks where a collection of tools and technologies are prescribed to develop websites. In the JAM stack, the static content is created in a markup language, stored alongside the template and then compiled at deployment time so that it can be used as is when there is a request from a client.
The JAM stack does not prescribe any specific technology to be used to develop websites. It provides an approach to web development where the core of the website is pre-built and the dynamic nature is added by client side scripting.
The websites built on the JAM stack consist of three distinct parts, JavaScript, APIs and Markup.
1.1.1 JavaScript
JavaScript provides the dynamic functionality to the JAM stack. It enables developers to react to user actions and modify the user interface at runtime. The word JavaScript does not necessarily mean the JavaScript language. It includes all approaches to client side scripting including languages that compile to JavaScript and runtimes built over WebAssembly. The JAM stack leaves the specifics the JavaScript framework and its management to the web developer.
In traditional Content Management Systems(CMS) the server plays a major role in handling user interactions. Fresh pages need to be generated even when a part of the page needs to be modified. That is not just unnecessary but suboptimal. Modern JavaScript is fully capable of storing the user state in the browser and updating the content based on it. It can communicate with the server and update the interface without the user needing to perform a reload or see a flicker in the interface.
Traditional CMS have failed to adopt to these new trends, features and capabilities of the web platform. While they do have JavaScript support, it has been patched over a system where the server still participates heavily in these dynamic interactions. The JAM stack prescribes using JavaScript for the use cases where it shines the best - providing interactive interfaces to the end user and communicating from the client to the server. Chapter 8 is dedicated to using JavaScript to enhance the website.
1.1.2 Application Programming Interfaces(APIs)
APIs provide a well defined contract for communicating with a web service. APIs abstract the entire server functionality and the client does not need to understand the server internals to consume the service. In the JAM stack, JavaScript is responsible for a lot of work that is traditionally done on the server. There are still tasks that need to be performed at a central location. This includes storage of the application state so that it can be restored on a different machine, computations that require more processing power than a single machine and data that needs to be transmitted back from the viewer of the website to the servers. These tasks are performed using APIs. The APIs are created using backend technology that is used to create the entire CMS in the traditional stack. The JAM stack does not restrict API style to be used for the communication and we are free to choose our approach. Representational State Transfer (REST) is the most popular API style in the web platform. We will be using REST APIs in chapter 7 and building one in chapter 10.
Many CMS expose APIs to communicate with the underlying functionality which can be consumed using JavaScript. While technically these approaches fit in the JAM stack definition, the JAM stack advises minimizing the building of APIs so as to reduce the maintenance overhead. There are a lot of third party API providers that provide high level APIs that developers can leverage without having to go through the overhead of building everything themselves. From handling of forms to full text search - a lot of functionality can be obtained at scale without writing custom code.
Even when we need to write custom backends, the cloud service providers make that task easier than building from scratch. With Function as a Service(FAAS), the service providers make it extremely easy to setup an API. The cloud service providers take the ownership of uptime, ongoing security updates, scaling with user load along with maintaining performance and availability across the globe. The developer needs to understand the cloud platform, build an optimal function based on the constraints of the platform and hand it over to the service provider. The on-going work is minimal and is needed mostly to enhance functionality or update any dependencies that the developer has chosen for building the function.
1.1.3 Markup
Markup forms the data layer of the JAM stack. Unlike traditional databases markup is stored in text files and meant to be readable and editable by humans in their raw form without going through a complicated Integrated Development Environment(IDE). Markup languages provide means to write formatted documents along with the associated metadata and links to assets in a terse and readable way. Markdown is the most popular of the markup languages used for writing content in the JAM stack that we will go in detail in chapter 3. It can be accompanied with a variety of metadata languages, one of which is Yaml Ain’t a Markup Language(YAML) that we will also discuss in chapter 3.
HTML(HyperText Markup Language) is also a markup language and you are free to choose that for writing your data in the JAM stack. Human readable languages like Markdown make it easier to read and maintain. They are converted to HTML during rendering and enforce keeping the presentation(CSS) out of content.
A website built with a JavaScript based framework and a backend mostly hosted as Cloud Functions with no markup for content meets the definition of the JAM stack. Writing data as Markup provides a lot of advantages over the approach of storing it in a database and fetching it using an API especially if the data is unstructured. We can use a version control system like Git to version the data changes. Having the data along with the code eases migration across services and build environments. We can store all configuration together. Optimization and testing gets easier with the ability to boot build environments on demand. With unstructured content most of the organization and querying capabilities of the databases are not useful. Hosting blogs or generic web pages based on a database is not the best use of resources. It is possible mostly because of the effort that has been put into optimizing databases and programming languages used to build these CMS for other use cases.
With the popularity of Git and Github, many developers are already familiar with the markup languages especially Markdown. Most readme files in code repositories are written in a markup language. These languages are stable, standardized, easy to learn and understand. There is a lot of tooling available to write in these languages or migrate data across them. They also work very well with diff and merge tools(which are used for version comparison across changes in git) and most major programming languages have libraries to parse them providing extreme flexibility to programmers to manipulate data the way they like.
Using the JAM stack, we write our websites as text based documents, leverage JavaScript and third party APIs for our dynamic processing needs and then build one-off first party services if still required that too on the cloud to have minimal maintenance.
Figure 1.1. Building websites with the JAM stack. This figure describes the various parts of the JAM stack as described in the 1.2. Markers 1-3 describe the flow of information when the user navigates to the website from the main content to the JavaScript execution and accessing the various types of APIs. Markers I and II are the two main parts of the JAM stack based website - The UI Templates and the content in a markup language. A,B and C describe the three things that the developer needs to do in order to update the website - Update the code for the static portion, deploy the first party APIs and configure the 3rd party ones.
1.2 How does the JAM stack work
The core of the website using the JAM stack lies in two folders. One folder contains the content in the form of Markup data(Item I in Fig 1.1) that is shown to the user while the other one contains the theme as User Interface(UI)(Item II in Fig 1.1) templates. These folders are normally managed in one version controlled repository and the build system automatically generates the HTML content and pushes it live. The website is managed by a Content Delivery Network(CDN). The CDN consists of a set of geographically distributed web servers that cache the website content and can provide that to the users with high performance and low cost. The CDN provider takes care of maintaining the uptime, availability across the planet and scaling the operations with the load.
The content is organized into files, which have both the data to be presented to the user as well as metadata for organizing content like its tags, menu placements etc. The content is written in the markup language which provides support for formatting content as well as organizing it into sections.
The theme folder has the UI templates that convert the content into a webpage by adding common page elements as well as styling the content to match the looks of the website. It provides support for creating content pages as well as common pages like content listings, the home page, contact page etc. The theme folder can be swapped with a different theme to have a different look for the website and the framework tries to ensure that minimal content changes are needed when switching across themes.
The websites build with this approach are in the commonly called static websites. Static websites are pre-compiled during deployment. In comparison dynamic websites require server code to generate the HTML each time it is requested. Tools that help in building static websites are called static site generators.
The developer periodically pushes the changes to the theme and as well as web content that is published automatically.(Item A in Fig 1.1) The content folder is actively updated to add articles while UI changes come via the theme folder. The developer is also responsible for deploying the first party APIs(Item B in Fig 1.1) and configuring the third party APIs(Item C in Fig 1.1) used in the website.
There are two types of users of a website in general - users who have proper browsers that execute Javascript and bots that might not support JavaScript execution and parse the HTML to form their view of the website.
When a user requests a webpage, the browser loads the core content of the website from the CDN(Step 1 in Fig 1.1). The website also includes JavaScript that gets executed(Step 2 in Fig 1.1). This JavaScript in turn may request data from the various APIs available(Step 3 in Fig 1.1). There are three types of APIs that can be used to provide dynamic functionality via JavaScript.
Pseudo APIs These APIs are are statically generated along with the website from the markup content. These APIs can provide raw access to data in a programming friendly format like JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) instead of HTML that is generated from the template. This way we can build the entire UI in a client side JavaScript based framework(like Angular, Vue or React). They can also be used for providing dynamic functionality like search to a static website on the client side without building a server layer.
Third Party Services These services are built and managed by vendors external to the website developer like Netlify, PayPal or Amazon. These vendors provide certain capabilities exposed as APIs on their platform that are maintained by them and can be used directly from the frontend.
First Party Services For websites that depend on unique server side processing for providing functionality, those services have to be built by the website developers. These are also exposed through APIs that are accessed via JavaScript in the JAM stack. For having a low maintenance overhead, it is advised to build these in managed system like Function as a service where the a major part of the maintenance work can be managed by a cloud service provider.
The approach of writing content in a folder on disk and uploading it on a shared hosting provider that manages the content looks a lot like the early web where we used to upload HTML and PHP files over a FTP connection. The parallels are obvious which raises the question on what is different this time.
The web has matured a lot since we moved off to controlling full servers. Many features that required server code back then can be built using frontend technology. The shared hosting has upgraded itself to the cloud where you can scale not only hosting but arbitrary computation to the internet scale and even the traditional servers are now hosted in the cloud.
The other major change from that era is the tooling. Tools like Frontpage were built for designers and end users which made the website a mesh of copy pasted scripts that the website author did not understand. Modern tools target developers with focus on optimization, maintenance and performance. Websites can be engineered in these tools rather than being meshed together.
We’ve learned from the early days of the web and we have a much better system with enough power and flexibility to build any application desired without compromises.
Contents of the code repository for a JAM stack based website include:
UI Template The templates to generate the HTML and CSS used in the website. Most builders have their own template engine based on the technology they are built with.
Content The textual data that is rendered with the HTML template.
Images, fonts and other resources Non-textual data to help render the website and other data associated with it including bundled content that is downloaded.
Config Website configuration present in a text based format.
1.3 How is JAM different from LAMP, MEAN or MERN?
Traditional web stacks like LAMP, MEAN or MERN consist of three main layers. The bottom most layer in these stack is the database layer where a database like MySQL or MongoDB is used to manage content. Above this is the application server layer written in a server side programming language like PHP or Node.js where the business logic to communicate with the database resides. This is the web server layer which hosts images, CSS and JavaScript files. Those Javascript files may be written in plain JavaScript in case of LAMP or rely on a framework like Angular or React in case of MEAN and MERN.
The three layers of the web stack are typically managed by different teams with different expertise. Apart from these teams there is also a content team that creates and enters content into the database. The website and the content have a different flow and are managed and released differently. All this adds a lot of complexity to the entire process, possibilities of miscommunication and wastage of resources.
The JAM stack tries to merge all these roles and have a single system for everyone involved thereby making it possible to have a single team manage a website. The rendering logic and the content live in the same code repository and the database layer is replaced by a standard markup language. A team managing a JAM stack based website can have sub-teams with different expertise, but with a shared source of truth, build, release and version management flow, the synchronization overhead is greatly reduced. People get an option to wear multiple hats, coordinate closely and simplify the job of everyone else.
By standardizing on content markup and letting go do the database for content that is not user generated, the need for the application servers is minimized. For any logic that is not possible via static files, the JAM stack recommends relying on third party APIs and rolling your own if nothing is available. The frontend can communicate with these APIs via the JavaScript layer and their release cycle of this home grown application server can be decoupled.
A new release of a JAM stack based website is inexpensive to create and distribute and a team can provide hundreds of releases in a single day without creating any issues. The UI team has access to all the content that they can optimize for. The content team gets the benefit of being a part of the production process thereby being able to align the content with the UI without needing any special coordination. The backend work is trimmed to only the operations that need complicated backend logic.
Another difference in the JAM stack is the reduction of the render steps to show a website. All websites frameworks output HTML/CSS and JavaScript as that is the only thing that browsers understand. The difference in approach between all of them is deciding where this HTML is generated:
2000s Era (LAMP/Ruby on Rails) The bulk of the HTML is generated when the server receives the request. The server processes the request parameters, queries the database and then generates the output HTML individually for each request.
2010s Era (MEAN, MERN) The rendered HTML is mostly generated in the browser. The server sends the JavaScript code to the browser which requests additional data then computes the HTML to be rendered.
JAM stack Bulk of the HTML is generated when the content change is pushed onto the server and is served as is to the client on each request.
In the approach from the 2000s era, every request involves processing and consumption of resources at the server to generate the HTML. In the 2010s era stacks, this processing cost is incurred in every client as well as on the server for each page. With the JAM stack this cost is incurred only once per page per release. Since there are scrapers like the GoogleBot indexing every webpage on every update, the JAM stack is the most resource optimized way of creating a website.
The JAM stack does not prohibit server or client processing. It advises using those only when needed. Deploy time processing is more efficient and safer. It is advised for all cases where it is practically possible.
1.4 Why use the JAM Stack?
Pre-building of HTML content shown to the user has a lot of unique advantages from minimal operations, great performance to cost reductions.
1.4.1 Minimal Operations
With the content built before publishing and supplied as plain HTML, the number of moving parts in a website reduces drastically. When the hosting is managed by a third party, there is no need for the developer to worry about security updates, patches or hot-fixes. There is no server side code which cannot be patched by the hosting provider. The cloud hosts provide almost 100% uptime without any active involvement from the website owner. There is no need to be on-call, no need to think about servers, scaling, load balancing, uptime across continents or any other operations overhead. The developer can focus on the joy of building and the business can focus on their core competency rather than setting up a DevOps team.
The Acme Story Act I Scene I - DevOps and the JAM stack
In this book we will witness the transformation that takes hold within the technical team at Acme Corporation as they embark on the journey to embrace Hugo and the JAM stack. Acme corporation is the leading supplier of digital shapes on the planet. Like most companies it has a small IT department which manages apart from other things, the company website, its online shopping platform, blogs and parts of the companies web based marketing data. The small technology team includes a web developer Alex and a system administrator Bob. The technology team is overloaded with work and therefore have been following the simple mantra - If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. Most of the web stack, as a result has remained the same from early 2000s. The management has agreed that the patchy mobile website needs to go and they don’t want to be hosting servers any more.
Bob Hey Alex. I have some great news.
Alex They let you take the old hard disks home?
Bob We are moving the existing system to the cloud. It will be so awesome.
Alex I haven’t even completed my investigation on the JAM stack. How come?
Bob I convinced the management over coffee. I am moving to Devops.
Alex I really like the JAM stack. It is cheaper, faster and doesn’t even need a lot of DevOps.
Bob Not doing. Dude I need a job.
1.4.2 Great Performance
The pre-built HTML provided as a static website can be hosted completely on a CDN. This way the content can be easily cached and served from a server very close to the end user. There is no round trip to an application server and no database query that can become a bottleneck. Most site generators targeting the JAM stack generate the HTML at compile time which means that the HTML is already available to render when the user requests. The Javascript layer can add functionality if needed but the website is very functional even with a single HTTP request. Generating Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) is also easy and a basic website with the JAM stack can provide a 90%+ performance score on most audits. If a developer is sensitive to performance while building the theme, the JAM stack based website can meet all criterion for a 100% score in these audits.
1.4.3 Lower costs
With the removal of the database and the application servers from the hosting stack, the hardware costs are greatly reduced. With the operations becoming automatic, most Devops requirements are not present. All this translates to major cost savings. You can have a website for free using static site hosts like Github Pages and Netlify. The website can also be hosted on all major cloud providers like AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage or Azure Storage at extremely low costs. There is no need to have an IT or a DevOps teams to manage the fleet of servers.
1.4.4 Developer Productivity
The entire JAM stack based site can be managed by a version control system like Git. There is no need to setup complicated development environments. Running the code locally is one command away and most websites can be deployed by a simple push to a server many times a day. No complicated tooling is required to build a website and all of the content as well as the theme can be managed by a simple text editor. This gives the developer the time and flexibility to focus on the content of the website.
1.4.5 Longevity
HTML/CSS is the most stable technology built and the browsers bend backwards to continue to support all features that they have supported since the 90s. If you host a JAM stack based website and vanish from the internet for a decade, it will still be there in mostly the same state where you left it when you come back. The internet is not forgiving to any other technology stack as it is to plain HTML/CSS/JS hosted on a static server. You can even continue to use the static site generator in a virtual machine without updating the version forever. Since the generator is not hosted, security vulnerabilities in the generator do not impact the website and you can build it offline, away from all the hackers.
1.4.6 Tooling
With fewer moving parts and a well defined structure, the tooling for the JAM stack is much more advanced and powerful than the other stacks. One click deployment is readily available with hands-off support for scaling through Netlify, Github Pages etc. Having the entire website present as code also means that there is nothing to hide. There are no complicated configurations for security or performance, no extra management overhead for different layers in the stack and no special IDE(integrated development environment) needs to get up and running.
When new to the JAM stack, it may seem to be a major limitation to be unable to update the content of the website on the fly. Most traditional systems provide an admin mode to update the website on the fly but nothing seems to prescribed in the JAM stack.
This is not a limitation as there is no need for any special tooling to update a JAM stack based website. The content is written in a markup language that is so friendly and easy to use that we can provide updates in any text editor. Most version control providers like Github, Gitlab and Bitbucket provide the ability to commit new changes from the browser which can be automatically built and deployed onto production.
With this approach we get the benefits of having a full version control system for our content alongside the ability to choose the editor to write it in. As a bonus we can update the theme wherever and whenever desired. Textual content, automatic deployment and continuous integration make sure we do not miss the admin mode in a Wordpress instance.
1.5 Selecting the builder
The JAM stack does not prescribe a specific technology and the developer is free to choose the technology of his/her liking to build the website. There is a huge list of static site builders with various trade-offs to choose from. Hugo is one of them.
1.5.1 Jekyll
Jekyll is the oldest of modern static site builders and is the most popular. Written by Tom-Werner, the co-founder and former CEO of Github, Jekyll has been the first class citizen of Github since the beginning. With this tight partnership, it has benefitted immensely from Github’s success. Built in Ruby, Jekyll has a wide variety of plugins to choose from and a huge community ecosystem. You can find a lot of help on StackOverflow and a plugin to almost anything you want to build. While still extremely popular, Jekyll has some pain points which prompts users to look around. Jekyll can get extremely slow as the website grows. While the Ruby language has improved immensely in performance ever since 2.0 and Jekyll has had multiple versions targeting performance, the core of the platform built while exploring the new domain is difficult to improve. Performance is not a feature that can be built on the top and while most developers start with Jekyll for their first static website, many leave the ecosystem due to the day to day pains of building with it.
1.5.2 Gatsby
Gatsby is a relative new comer in the world of static site builders which has gained popularity extremely quickly. Built with React and using GraphQL, Gatsby comes with a strong plugin ecosystem and a very lightweight core. It relies for plugins for most of its functionality and provides a versatile core which can be used for any workflow. It builds a progressive web app that is managed in the browser with the data load going through the GraphQL interface. Gatsby is the right choice for developers already well versed with React and GraphQL and are willing to maintain the dependency tree across a fast moving ecosystem across React, Webpack and Gatsby itself.
1.5.3 Hexo, Pelican, VuePress, Nuxt and others
The static site ecosystem has a long tail of frameworks built using multiple languages, frameworks and flavors. Hexo is written in pure Javascript. Pelican is written in Python. Nuxt and VuePress allow you to use the Vue.js JavaScript library. If you strongly like an ecosystem, there is a static site generator available in your favorite language and framework.
1.5.4 Hugo
Hugo is the fastest of the static site generators where the development team prides in building a system that can render a complicated website with hundreds of pages in less than a second. Written in Go (Golang), Hugo is distributed as a single binary with all batteries included. With the lack of reliance on plugins, the core team has taken on the responsibility of standardizing most of the features providing the benefit of engineering them for maximum performance. Its template language is a full programming language that can be used to build anything. The documentation is very well maintained, and the community is very active in the forums. While not yet 1.0, Hugo has a huge amount of features all baked into the single module. It is used by many popular websites with millions of monthly users.
Table 1.1. Web builder technology comparison
Takes Content in Markdown
Can Version Control Content
Auto scales with load
Can quickly preview content(including launch of preview mode)
Small set of dependencies
Minimal DevOps
Low update effort
Large Plugin Ecosystem
1.6 Why choose Hugo?
Hugo is amongst the oldest of static site frameworks that has continued to climb in popularity over the years. Its creator Steve Francia has immense experience with the Drupal Content Management System and he has brought some of the best practices and rectified Drupal’s design flaws with Hugo.
Hugo lies at the sweet spot between a framework like WordPress which is built primarily for non-technical audience and Rails or Express.js which provides power to generate generic software but requires ongoing maintenance effort. With Hugo you get the flexibility one level below Rails/Express.js with the maintenance effort that is similar to picking up a third-party hosted WordPress instance with the added advantage of wonderful performance right from the start. Hugo is built for users who don’t mind getting their hands into the code but do need to maintain sanity and have some life outside of the project they are building. Developers choosing Hugo rarely move off to other approaches of website building. It comes due to variety of reasons:
Hugo is extremely popular in the industry and has been used at scale for websites like Bootstrap(getbootstrap.com), Lets Encrypt(letsencrypt.org), Smashing Magazine(www.smashingmagazine.com), Netlify(www.netlify.com/) and 1Password Support(support.1password.com/).
Smashing Magazine migrated their huge website with thousands of pages from WordPress to Hugo for its great performance and ease of use.
1.6.1 Hugo is fast
Hugo is the fastest static site builder available. While we may not be able to appreciate this when starting a project, this is extremely important in our day to day lives. Waiting for compilation or refresh is a major reason of developer frustration and can mean the death of a hobby project. This becomes even more important when the technology changes force us to go through a major change in our website template. The advent of mobile devices brought the death to a huge number of WordPress themes where updating each and every aspect was so painful that the the developer gave up. Even with a decade worth of content, a Hugo based website will continue to provide a respectable performance for development. A rewrite or a facelift of a Hugo based website is a lot easier and fun than with any of the slower frameworks.
A major skepticism amongst developers while choosing Hugo is the fear of the Go language. Go is not a mainstream language and has a very small community in comparison to the other options. But this should not impact your decision to use Hugo. There is no need to learn Go or understand how it works to be successful with Hugo. This book does not have a single line of Go code. We don’t need to learn how most of our tools work internally to be able to successfully to use them. Go is an internal detail for the users of Hugo that they do not need to worry about while using it.
Go is language built with parallel computation is mind and is optimized for building software. Hugo benefits immensely from Go’s speed without forcing upon its users all the complexities. Hugo users just have to use the Go template language which despite the name is a different language from Go itself. It is Turing Complete(i.e. can be used to write programs that involves formal logic, the basis of all modern computation) and allows us to write anything we want including modules and functions without dealing with a lot of complexity of multi-threaded code. Even the Go template language may not be needed if you are not planning to write your own theme or shortcodes. You can write content in a markup language and pick a theme off the shelf to build your website.
Most other JAM stack based website builders are written in a single threaded sequential flow. This allows them to have plugins at the cost of performance. With most major features available within Hugo, there is no need for the compromise of a slow framework.
While Go is not mainstream, it is used to develop important foundational technology like Docker and Kubernetes. Therefore, it does not have major risks of being abandoned. By Go not being mainstream, the Hugo developers have some unique leverage to influence the programming language and get the features that improve Hugo. Hugo’s creator, Steve Francia has led the project management and strategy for the Go Programming language and its best features have rubbed onto Hugo.
1.6.2 Hugo is built for performance
The community that sprang up looking for and working with the fastest static site builder has a natural tendency to look for performance in everything. Therefore the core principles of performance orientation flow in the entire ecosystem. There is a lot of advice on how to improve the performance of your website in easy to do steps in the community forums. If you find a random script from the internet for doing something with Hugo, there is a high likelihood that it will be optimized for performance.
The core performance of Hugo also impacts its output. The performance primitives are available for other uses. Developers can learn from the approach that Hugo uses for optimizing their own workflows. The quality of an average Hugo based website is much better than an average website in general.
1.6.3 Hugo is self-contained
A plugin heavy system appears to provide a lot of flexibility and capabilities until the concept of maintenance rolls in. Your site could go bad even if one plugin is abandoned even though the framework is actively maintained. This has been a classic problem with frameworks like Rails where each major version became a huge pain for migrating all the plugins. The same can be seen in the popular ecosystems of the past like JQuery, Backbone and AngularJS where plugins are not updated. Even Jekyll, which is extremely popular and actively maintained has a huge problem of plugin rot.
Being self-contained has allowed Hugo to bypass issues which have plagued other projects. The core team has been able to standardize on optimal approaches to perform tasks that have been made available natively. The Hugo team has optimized Hugo without needing lower level API compatibility. They continue to write complicated multi-threaded logic for the standardized workflows to eke out the few extra seconds that the users can spend elsewhere. The users get a lot more support than from the plugin authors and have lesser fears of abandonment of their core workflows.
Being self contained does not mean Hugo is not extensible. The Go template language is very powerful and users can share snippets of code as modules that can be reused and can perform complicated logic using this language.
1.6.4 Hugo is distributed as a single file
Hugo packages all its core dependencies and resources in a single executable file. This makes downloading Hugo, transferring it to another machine or backing it up extremely simple. In systems where due to security concerns, each file has a lot of scrutiny, a single binary file with no other dependencies really shines. Developers can check-in the Hugo binary with their source code if they need use it in a restricted environment. With a single file taking care of everything, there are no dependencies to update and no build system needed to manage. This is in stark contrast to Javascript based static site builders which have hundreds of dependencies each of which might need to be vetted by a security team for usage in an enterprise environment.
1.6.5 Hugo can be extremely low maintenance
With a lot lesser number of moving parts(plugins and operating system dependencies), a very small installation step, no database or complicated hosting steps, the maintenance churn with Hugo can be a lot less than the other approaches of web development. Each dependency is maintenance. You can get a very powerful website with very low maintenance with just Hugo and a hosting provider. While Hugo has had updates where backwards compatibility has broken, you are free to take the updates when you have time and do not have to go down and fix arcane plugins. The churn in Hugo is also reducing as it approaches the stability of 1.0. This cannot be said about most other ecosystems in the web development world.
1.6.6 Hugo can save you from analysis paralysis
Hugo is opinionated and built with a lot of tools and techniques to get up and running quickly. While the powerful template system allows you to roll your own solution to a problem, most of the common ones have already dealt with. Hugo has a generic implementation for an approach to pagination, to categorizing content into unlimited types of categories as well as to getting core website elements like menus. Hugo comes with a lot of built in templates like YouTube embeds and instagram images which can save a lot of time getting started. Eventually you might want to customize them to fit your own needs, but getting up and running is really easy with Hugo because there is a well documented and popular approach of solving most problems readily available.
1.6.7 Hugo is powerful
Despite being opinionated, Hugo is very versatile. The Go template language that Hugo extends is a powerful and flexible language. This provides the ability to developers to write proper programs within Hugo. The standard library provided by Hugo is huge and growing. It comes with great performance right from the start. Even if you write really bad code, the core performance of the built in functions will be able to save grace for a long time. With access to APIs during website generation, Hugo provides a lot of power without losing on the performance of the generated output.
With Hugo, you can write functions anywhere in your website including while developing content(as custom shortcodes embedded in the markup) to do some special processing. You can encapsulate that into something that can be reused or leave one time snippets of code on specific pages.
Hugo has a lot of web development primitives but not using them does not seem like fighting the framework. If you do not use some of the built in features of Hugo and decide to roll your own, they may not work across themes but you will still be able you be successful with Hugo.
1.6.8 Hugo is scalable
Hugo already caters to websites with multi-lingual content having thousands of pages and millions of monthly active users. Hugo has a proven record of handling the scale of some of the biggest and heavily used websites on the internet. There are already enough primitives and capabilities to scale the Hugo based website from a developer to a team. Hugo supports a wide variety of input and output formats and has a variety of features to enable automation of day to day life of a non-technical member of the team.
1.6.9 Hugo is a community project
Hugo is maintained by a community of volunteers with no parallel commercial interest in the project. This allows for the direction of the project to be in the best interest of the community. Hugo cannot pivot, get acquired or shutdown at the whim of a corporation.
1.7 Is speed really important?
The important of build performance cannot be emphasized enough. Hugo employs many techniques to speed up build times like having a multi-threaded core with support for caching at all layers to prevent as much rework as possible. This results in freeing up the developer from the burden of noticing the build time.
When you launch Hugo in the watch mode(a special mode for development) the website come up in less than a second. It reloads with the speed of typing without having to go through the entire step of setting up fancy hot module replacements for live reload. This feature is not just for the theme with a dummy content but for the entire website that can be pushed to production. This provides the flexibility to edit the website in the five minutes you might have between other chores. In other frameworks, getting up and ready is itself a task. It takes so much time to get to the development mode, that for minor bugs that are found while browsing, we tend to ignore them just for the effort.
With the entire data traveling with your website and getting recompiled on the fly, the developer gets the freedom to experiment and see the results instantly, as well as to push to production without dedicating extra mental effort. Same is the case with data entry. A big burden with static site builders with slow build time is that committing data is something that the content writer needs to plan for, since getting up and running itself can take 5 minutes where you can lose the chain of thought. The content flexibility of WordPress and the runtime performance of the JAM stack are not an either/or with a framework like Hugo.
With this being done at the framework level and all the primitives exposed, as a developer you start to rethink your website building strategy. Does this code need to go into JavaScript that has to run on every one of the billion customer machines that visit this page or can we write this such that it runs once and saves the results as SVGs or precomputed HTML so that the customers don’t have to re-execute? These minor tweaks while building go a long way in improving the website performance.
1.8 What can we build with Hugo?
The JAM stack is a very versatile concept and can be applied to a huge variety of problems. Hugo is applicable to most of them and has been a poster child for the success of the JAM stack with its ability to handle scale. It shines when the information needs to flow from the server to the client and the client is mostly used for consumption of the said information rather than creation. This fits the traditional definition of publishing where the content creators provide content via a medium(like the web) to the consumers. Here are things that the Hugo specializes in:
1.8.1 Personal websites and blogs
Gone are the days of hiding away from the internet. Through some means or the other, everyone in the modern world who has some internet user as a friend or relative is already present on the internet. Rather than trying to hide from it, the right approach would be to embrace the internet and control your online impression rather than letting it depend on others.
Hugo is very well suited for getting up and running with a personal website. Big goals for personal websites are low maintenance, low costs and the flexibility to showcase your own personal tastes. Throughout this book we will see how we can build something extremely low maintenance, almost free hosting and enough flexibility to customize as much as you desire. Add to that you get great performance, ability to update when and where you want, full SEO support and a quick start.
You can pick up any one of the publicly available Hugo themes to get started and be up and running with a decent website in minutes. You will be surprised how many features are available without any customization. Once you are there, it is very easy to fork the theme and start customizing it to leave your unique impression on the internet.
1.8.2 Non-technology Business website
Hugo scales to teams updating content in parallel without any problem. Businesses whose core competencies are not building websites need something easy to maintain, with low costs and great performance. They also want flexibility and control. Hugo ticks all these boxes. It is well thought out and easy to understand for any vendor team that may be added to the website development on a short term contract. Hugo provides very little instances where a developer could write bad code that would slow down the website. The entire mechanism is flexible enough to add the one custom page that the business needs immediately without having to go through and rip apart the entire website.
With the JavaScript and API layer of the JAM stack, Hugo websites can be extended to provide features reserved for dynamic websites updating on the fly on a server. You will see in this book how we can build low cost and low maintenance features like shopping carts and pay screens keeping the rest of the website managed statically.
1.8.3 Documentation websites
Hugo has great support for reading structured data from a file on disk like a CSV or a JSON and then creating a website out of it. You can still apply your own custom themes. It has built in support for syntax highlighting and can scale to a very large number of pages extremely easily. This makes it very well suited to write custom websites that could read from the API docs and prepare a neatly formatted version of the specification.
1.8.4 Hybrid JAM stack based websites
All websites have pages that are meant to display content. These include pages like the privacy policy, a generic about us page, a blog, a product listing page and a newsroom where the company releases press statements. For all this content which is meant to be consumed rather than operated upon, Hugo and the JAM stack can help keeping the content running at a low cost, with high availability and a great performance. The pages which are specifically based on a server technology can be delivered separately or built in JavaScript communicating with the servers using APIs exposed by them. While Hugo can tackle many of the challenges that are faced while building a website, Hugo is not perfect for all use cases of web development. In case where a large amount of user generated content is required, like building a social network, the benefits of Hugo do not come into play. Similarly for building an app like a photo editor in the browser, Hugo is not the right choice. In these cases, Hugo can be used for building the static portions of the website like the corporate pages, the company blog, the about us and the privacy policy, the core functionlaity of the website is something where Hugo does not help a lot.
1.9 Summary
The JAM stack is an approach to web development where instead of storing the content in a database and querying at runtime, most content is stored along with them theme as files and compiled into the website during deployment.
The static content in the JAM stack is written in a Markup language which compiles to HTML. The dynamic content is available in the form of APIs which can be accessed via Javascript.
The JAM stack provides massive savings in terms of cost, operations and maintenance and we also get a fast website.
Hugo is a framework to help build these so called static websites that provides a very good build performance and is available as a single binary.
Hugo meets the promise of low ongoing maintenance, a great developer experience and scales to a huge team.
Hugo especially shines at places where the information flow is from the server to the client like personal or company websites, news posts, blogs, documentation etc.
For places where the information flow is from the client to the server or personalized based on the user, Hugo follows the JAM stack and that information can be added via the Javascript layer that communicates to the servers ideally hosted on the cloud.
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