Building Flask Apps

Building Flask Apps

Python’s most popular framework. Use Flask to create applications ranging from APIs to MVC applications. Learn routing, databases, user management, etc.

After achieving market dominance, Flask is a Python framework impossible to avoid.

Serve dynamic web pages in Flask by mastering Jinja: Flask's built-in HTML templating engine.

When Python developers manage presentation layers.

Learn to create form logic and templates in Flask with the Flask-WTForms library.

Empower your Flask application to grow dynamically with intelligent routes and well-structured views.

Tips on how to neatly and securely configure your Python Flask application.

Create a Flask app using the 'Application Factory' pattern. Learn what an application context is and how to build large-scale apps properly.

Structure your Flask app as a collection of modules. Use Flask 'blueprints' to organize your app by separation of concerns.

Use Flask-SQLAlchemy to have your Flask app interact with a database. Learn to create, fetch, and manage database records via SQLAlchemy ORM.

Create an interactive Flask application by supporting user accounts! Handle account creation, log-ins, walled content, and user-specific features.

Store temporary information during a user's by using Flask-Session and Flask-Redis as key/value

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