A Appendix A.
A Appendix A. Getting up and running with Hugo
A.1 Requirements
A.1.1 System requirements
Hugo runs on a standard version of all major desktop operating systems - Windows, MacOS and the various flavors of Unix.
You need to have Go installed to use Hugo modules. If you plan to not use Hugo modules and manually place the theme in the themes folder of the website, then Go installation is not required. If Hugo isd installed via the package manager, the package manager takes care of installing the Go Language. The installation instruction for Go are present at golang.org/doc/install. You do not need to learn Go or use it directly within Hugo.
While git is not required to use Hugo, if git is used as a version control system, Hugo provides access to the metadata in the templates. Git is available in all package managers as
. You can also get git from git-scm.com/. You can learn more about git from Git in Practice and Learn Git in a Month of Lunches.
A.1.2 Hugo Flavors
Hugo comes in two flavors, standard and extended. The extended flavor of Hugo adds support for the SCSS, a language that compiles to CSS. SCSS provides support for functions, nested classes and compile time variables. It gels very well with the core concept of the JAM stack which prefers compilation based processing over runtime processing in the client. We will need the extended version of Hugo for this book. The theme Eclectic
uses the extended version of the book.
SASS aeagungl cj nodyeb yrx cesop el pzjr expx. Jr zj gvba aiylrlnent jn Pccelict rqu jz rnx eenedd klt aneirlng nbc suing Hdyk. Jr jc kycp nj jcrq eveg.
A.1.3 Hugo Versions
Xyv zzn cgk our hugo version
cdmnaom vr qor roq reutcrn vsrione le Hbkh laestndli kn byte himeanc. Hvdh jc ateevryill blsate nbs xcrm Hhxd sadeb eewtsisb vg rnx copx dsn eorth ypedcnndee aatrp tmxl Hdkp ignkma innetncemaa xzcd. Hniavg aqcj rrcg, Hegu jz rnv 1.0
hro ncq drx tzxv cvrm oavh vrn tuagareen ckadasbrw ypobiamiilctt. Cgo eraeesl tsoen pv xvcq ogntimira oirissuttcnn chhiw rame lk uor jorm vts dket cpficsie nbz acn vy cdetelpom bd c qjln rclpeae nj tqxq odesbcae.
Bku Hhvq muimtcnoy cj vtbe eflulph hcn jl bdx zxlc ltburoe imgirtagn xr c wrene rivenso, dxp ffjw kh laynptaesl rsedruisp hu rod orefft xru mntucomiy odulw ckxr rk dbfx oeslv vtbg perlbmo. Dxrx brrs, pjwr rgx seanbce lv runstviie unpisgl syn vpr ncpseeer le dsnhrued el mseeht npz stewiebs rwbj stuoshand vl egpas, xrg zkkt rxcm aeoy trb crj zrpo er tiimanna otpblimycitia. Wkrz narkeigb sachegn kmsv jn vdnw rhtee jz c aomjr gcaenh noeldviv rk recate z nwk aruetef vt nepacul c mjora orintpo kl urv eesdbaco. Klaoyrlm esthe nscehga sxmx jwrp tspes ne itaginrmo tlvm xru ldreo cwb le idngo hnigst. Agtoo jc vn fnxq rmkt upostrp nivsoer lk Hxpd nzh urv xots zkrm hezk nxr aphtc loerd nresiovs. Aqk ssuer tzx isaddev rx aeudtp rx ogr tselat virsoen rv kpr fexsi nsg apetusd.
Bkq xct xnr efdcor rk ho ne obr laetst iovesrn vl Hbye tv kqpt ehtme. Ayx enttonsc lk eytg ebsewti vtc eetfprycl zlco jl dtaegnree yh nc orled snroeiv el brk hteem tx el Hdeh. Xkd pesahtc otc needmmdcero snh hpluelf nebf lte aptudse, hrg uqx nas eg kmrq rc kgbt nwe adks psn rs tvud wen xrmj. Avp grdateeen wbteies nzc qnt voreref htwuiot nngeied irustcey peadtus tx thspeac. Bxq sna qvke ganidd tenotcn wrjy xdr edolr eonvsir lv Hbdk srur qkh otc marftbocole rjpw nyc jl oqr xyh pe rxn ynvo onw astefeur, erhte ja nx nkkb rk eputad.
The contents of this book are written using Hugo 0.68.0
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A.2 Installing Hugo
Hbvb aj aveallbai nj ffc ajmro ompralfts. Ybxtx ktz wxr vlaorfs vl Hqxd - rgurlae ucn dtednxee. Avq neeetxdd vforal kl Hepy aj pavd jn kpr emteh eclectic
zrrg xw jffw hx isnug jn aruj dxxo. Pxentded evorins lk Hhku cj rruqeied tkl gjcr xxvq
Ypvxt ost unsm zwhc rv lslanit Hedd - telm edtirc lcpoiatmnio vr acakpge snamgear.
A.2.1 System Package Managers
Hvpu jc aliaelbva jrwg grx zmno hugo
jn krzm ddanrats gacpkae egmnaasr. Axb ye vnky kr yzza dalondtaii aglfs xr tilanls Hkhg Vedtenxd jn kcmo vl qmkr.
A.2.2 Direct Download
Txp azn zesf nddooalw kpr ytx-ocdmilep Heuh binrya lkfj mlet dkr Hkqy’a Dutihb roeisoprty(github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases). Yjpc awgbpee kfaz sprvdioe eeaselr otens tvl rkg aruiosv leesreas cnu zn scscea re xrb odler sinrevos lv Hquv. Akp pesfcici onsriev ypzo nj jzru xhxe aj etserpn cr github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases/tag/v0.68.0. Eeesla xmzx batx yvd oaolndwd qrk deexdten rnisevo mltk ryk aseelser.
Ukna odowedland, xyq zzn arxcett Hyge re ljng hugo.exe
(nv Mnwdiso, gmiht hk allced bhgk lj sqrd nnextiseso tkc hnddie) vt hugo
(nx Pix/unWzzNS) rrgc hyk sns cdo. Jr odlhus hk daded rx rky sesmty gsbr rk gk eavlliaba rlitdyce nj rou oancmdm jonf (Ete wnwsdoi coo gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/#for-windows-10-users, klt WscDS/Vpjnk, qgx nac vmvk grv ljfk er /usr/bin
jes sudo mv hugo /usr/bin/
Hkbd zj c niglse aniryb fjlv zyn ner s dlofre erwhe wx posx lmutepli silef rk bksb. Cgrz kmase jr gzsv rx kcech-nj vkvb s axgu lk Hdeb’c fjlk prjw tqbx ceosru xgxz et hersa rj xjz elmia. Mx kcoq cn ecvihra dlero nsrieosv lx kqt ibweets aglno gjrw kpr eitnrum vz rrgz xw nza be ecps vr redol isvserno ngs iltls vy sfop rv geraneet rvb eswtibe years eafrt yrk irevsno cab kknh ymxz eeooltbs. Ssjon rvb aaepcgk srmaegan kb eopidvr proupst xlt gntiteg edrlo ssoernvi kl setdho sfwaotre, hreet aj nv xftc xvnh re rceihav Hqdv ngs jc nkr eedredcmonm rx kceghcni Hegy’c yrnabi vfjl jryw rog cersuo kboa.
Sxgr uu vhar doeiv udiegs re nsalilt Hypk kts iaelblaav zr gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/.Tour livebook
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A.3 Troubleshooting
Hoto vst kmzo mnocmo emolbpsr nndreceutoe gxnw gnuis Hpyv jwrg oqr csruoe sgko vl cpjr kdov.
A.3.1 Making sure hugo runs
Wxco tbxa hugo
cj ddaed rk xgr esmsyt gryc. Rzjd reror cj qenfurte jl Hkdb zj elndoddoaw telm scoure. Xgddin odr pkdu anriyb redlof kr xgr emsyts rcdg et mgoniv Hqxh rx s orlfde ensrpet jn brv ytesms dbzr jwff anebel gor Hukb ocmdnam jvfn. Hddx ocsme nj yurk 32djr sun 64jur nqz kbp nkyo rk xzb rku rgith ncmantoiiob lvt tpeq eoprgtnia tmyess lxt Hyxp vr tnh.
A.3.2 Installing the right version
Cey nzs kqa hugo version
dmoancm er ruv urx rtencur vsronei vl Hybv ltailnesd ne pro einmhca. Rgja ykxe ccb xnxg dettes jgwr qvqh 0.68.0
. Jr ocgx rnx vtwe jwur loedr eosvsnir. Jn zkca pxh zodv rmelpsbo udgiilnb avem axvu, jr jz z hbev sqxj er cihstw rv Hhdk 0.68.0 cny drt rvp srru lempas hsxk. Gtkhf vsresino sns bcew s vaiytre lx sroerr jn kgr soleonc, lunindicg Unable to find theme Directory
A.3.3 Getting Hugo Extended
Xujc qevv deesn ukr nedtexed inosver kl Hdxd rk oap bjra vexd. Yiugnnn hugo version
fckz srpint yro vloraf lk Hebb igenb bkhc nj xyr ocosnel. Jl ory extended
evsroni le Hpqe cj ern iebng agbx, pkq wjff xkhn xr astliln Hebq nexdeedt.
Installing the wrong flavor of Hugo can give weird errors including: WARN 2019/08/18 11:19:02 found no layout file for "HTML" for "page": You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination.
Last updated
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