Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites.
Before attempting to scrape a website, you should make sure that the provider allows it in their terms of service. You should also check to see whether you could use an API instead.
Massive scraping can put a server under a lot of stress which can result in a denial of service. And you don't want that.
Who should read this?
This article is for advanced readers. It will assume that you are already familiar with the Python programming language.
At the very minimum you should understand list comprehension, context manager, and functions. You should also know how to set up a virtual environment.
We'll run the code on your local machine to explore some websites. With some tweaks you could make it run on a server as well.
What you will learn in this article
At the end of this article, you will know how to download a webpage, parse it for interesting information, and format it in a usable format for further processing. This is also known as ETL.
This article will also explain what to do if that website is using JavaScript to render content (like React.js or Angular).
Before I can start, I want to make sure we're ready to go. Please set up a virtual environment and install the following packages into it:
beautifulsoup4 (version 4.9.0 at time of writing)
requests (version 2.23.0 at time of writing)
wordcloud (version 1.17.0 at time of writing, optional)
selenium (version 3.141.0 at time of writing, optional)
For this example, we are going to scrape the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany. (Don't worry, I checked their Terms of Service. They offer an XML version for machine processing, but this page serves as an example of processing HTML. So it should be fine.)
Step 1: Download the source
First things first: I create a file urls.txt holding all the URLs I want to download:
Next, I write a bit of Python code in a file called scraper.py to download the HTML of this files.
In a real scenario, this would be too expensive and you'd use a database instead. To keep things simple, I'll download files into the same directory next to the store and use their name as the filename.
from os import pathfrom pathlib import PurePathimport requestswithopen('urls.txt', 'r')as fh: urls = fh.readlines()urls = [url.strip()for url in urls] # strip `\n`for url in urls: file_name =PurePath(url).name file_path = path.join('.', file_name) text =''try: response = requests.get(url)if response.ok: text = response.textexcept requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as exc:print(exc)withopen(file_path, 'w')as fh: fh.write(text)print('Written to', file_path)
By downloading the files, I can process them locally as much as I want without being dependent on a server. Try to be a good web citizen, okay?
Step 2: Parse the source
Now that I've downloaded the files, it's time to extract their interesting features. Therefore I go to one of the pages I downloaded, open it in a web browser, and hit Ctrl-U to view its source. Inspecting it will show me the HTML structure.
In my case, I figured I want the text of the law without any markup. The element wrapping it has an id of container. Using BeautifulSoup I can see that a combination of find and [get_text](https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/#get-text) will do what I want.
Since I have a second step now, I'm going to refactor the code a bit by putting it into functions and add a minimal CLI.
from os import pathfrom pathlib import PurePathimport sysfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupimport requestsdefdownload_urls(urls,dir): paths = []for url in urls: file_name =PurePath(url).name file_path = path.join(dir, file_name) text =''try: response = requests.get(url)if response.ok: text = response.textelse:print('Bad response for', url, response.status_code)except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as exc:print(exc)withopen(file_path, 'w')as fh: fh.write(text) paths.append(file_path)return pathsdefparse_html(path):withopen(path, 'r')as fh: content = fh.read()returnBeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')defdownload(urls):returndownload_urls(urls, '.')defextract(path):returnparse_html(path)deftransform(soup): container = soup.find(id='container')if container isnotNone:return container.get_text()defload(key,value): d ={} d[key]= valuereturn ddefrun_single(path): soup =extract(path) content =transform(soup) unserialised =load(path, content.strip() if content isnotNoneelse'')return unserialiseddefrun_everything(): l = []withopen('urls.txt', 'r')as fh: urls = fh.readlines() urls = [url.strip()for url in urls] paths =download(urls)for path in paths:print('Written to', path) l.append(run_single(path))print(l)if__name__=="__main__": args = sys.argviflen(args)is1:run_everything()else:if args[1]=='download':download([args[2]])print('Done')if args[1]=='parse': path = args[2] result =run_single(path)print(result)
Now I can run the code in three ways:
Without any arguments to run everything (that is, download all URLs and extract them, then save to disk) via: python scraper.py
With an argument of download and a url to download python scraper.py download https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/gg/art_1.html. This will not process the file.
With an argument of parse and a filepath to parse: python scraper.py art_1.html. This will skip the download step.
With that, there's one last thing missing.
Step 3: Format the source for further processing
Let's say I want to generate a word cloud for each article. This can be a quick way to get an idea about what a text is about. For this, install the package wordcloud and update the file like this:
from os import pathfrom pathlib import Path, PurePathimport sysfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupimport requestsfrom wordcloud import WordCloudSTOPWORDS_ADDENDUM = ['Das','Der','Die','Diese','Eine','In','InhaltsverzeichnisGrundgesetz','im','Jede','Jeder','Kein','Sie','Soweit','Über']STOPWORDS_FILE_PATH ='stopwords.txt'STOPWORDS_URL ='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stopwords-iso/stopwords-de/master/stopwords-de.txt'defdownload_urls(urls,dir): paths = []for url in urls: file_name =PurePath(url).name file_path = path.join(dir, file_name) text =''try: response = requests.get(url)if response.ok: text = response.textelse:print('Bad response for', url, response.status_code)except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as exc:print(exc)withopen(file_path, 'w')as fh: fh.write(text) paths.append(file_path)return pathsdefparse_html(path):withopen(path, 'r')as fh: content = fh.read()returnBeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')defdownload_stopwords(): stopwords =''try: response = requests.get(STOPWORDS_URL)if response.ok: stopwords = response.textelse:print('Bad response for', url, response.status_code)except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as exc:print(exc)withopen(STOPWORDS_FILE_PATH, 'w')as fh: fh.write(stopwords)return stopwordsdefdownload(urls):returndownload_urls(urls, '.')defextract(path):returnparse_html(path)deftransform(soup): container = soup.find(id='container')if container isnotNone:return container.get_text()defload(filename,text):ifPath(STOPWORDS_FILE_PATH).exists():withopen(STOPWORDS_FILE_PATH, 'r')as fh: stopwords = fh.readlines()else: stopwords =download_stopwords()# Strip whitespace around stopwords = [stopword.strip()for stopword in stopwords]# Extend stopwords with own ones, which were determined after first run stopwords = stopwords + STOPWORDS_ADDENDUMtry: cloud =WordCloud(stopwords=stopwords).generate(text) cloud.to_file(filename.replace('.html', '.png'))exceptValueError:print('Could not generate word cloud for', key)defrun_single(path): soup =extract(path) content =transform(soup)load(path, content.strip() if content isnotNoneelse'')defrun_everything():withopen('urls.txt', 'r')as fh: urls = fh.readlines() urls = [url.strip()for url in urls] paths =download(urls)for path in paths:print('Written to', path)run_single(path)print('Done')if__name__=="__main__": args = sys.argviflen(args)is1:run_everything()else:if args[1]=='download':download([args[2]])print('Done')if args[1]=='parse': path = args[2]run_single(path)print('Done')
What changed? For one, I downloaded a list of German stopwords from GitHub. This way, I can eliminate the most common words from the downloaded law text.
Then I instantiate a WordCloud instance with the list of stopwords I downloaded and the text of the law. It will be turned into an image with the same basename.
After the first run, I discover that the list of stopwords is incomplete. So I add additional words I want to exclude from the resulting image.
With that, the main part of web scraping is complete.
Bonus: What about SPAs?
SPAs - or Single Page Applications - are web applications where the whole experience is controlled by JavaScript, which is executed in the browser. As such, downloading the HTML file does not bring us far. What should we do instead?
We'll use the browser. With Selenium. Make sure to install a driver also. Download the .tar.gz archive and unpack it in the bin folder of your virtual environment so it will be found by Selenium. That is the directory where you can find the activate script (on GNU/Linux systems).
As an example, I am using the Angular website here. Angular is a popular SPA-Framework written in JavaScript and guaranteed to be controlled by it for the time being.
Since the code will be slower, I create a new file called crawler.py for it. The content looks like this:
from selenium import webdriverfrom selenium.webdriver.common.by import Byfrom selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWaitfrom selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as ECfrom wordcloud import WordClouddefextract(url): elem =None driver = webdriver.Firefox() driver.get(url)try: found =WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until( EC.visibility_of( driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "article") ) )# Make a copy of relevant data, because Selenium will throw if# you try to access the properties after the driver quit elem ={"text": found.text}finally: driver.close()return elemdeftransform(elem):return elem["text"]defload(text,filepath): cloud =WordCloud().generate(text) cloud.to_file(filepath)if__name__=="__main__": url ="https://angular.io/" filepath ="angular.png" elem =extract(url)if elem isnotNone: text =transform(elem)load(text, filepath)else:print("Sorry, could not extract data")
Here, Python is opening a Firefox instance, browsing the website and looking for an <article> element. It is copying over its text into a dictionary, which gets read out in the transform step and turned into a WordCloud during load.
When dealing with JavaScript-heavy sites, it is often useful to use Waits and perhaps run even [execute_script](https://selenium-python.readthedocs.io/api.html#selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver.WebDriver.execute_script)to defer to JavaScript if needed.
Thanks for reading this far! Let's summarise what we've learned now:
How to scrape a website with Python's requests package.
How to translate it into a meaningful structure using beautifulsoup.
How to further process that structure into something you can work with.
What to do if the target page is relying on JavaScript.